Produce Storage Frozen is next best to Fresh

By on April 6, 2020

One helpful tip I have learned in my cooking endeavors is frozen Produce is next best to fresh. When purchasing produce as I often do at farmers markets, 99 cents stores, and my local grocery market, I want to get the most for my money even if it’s at a discount or a special in the weekly advertisements.
What I mean is sometimes produce can go bad in such a short time or faster than I can consume it. I have found it to be good practices to store fruits and veggies.
In this Produce prep video I’ve sliced, chopped and packaged green bell peppers, red bell peppers, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and leeks just to name a few of all the produce I purchase, prep and freeze for a later day. This will ensure freshness when I need to use produce for a recipe.


Welcome to Home Cooking With Kimberly where I share my love of cooking and home made food recipes.











